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தமிழ் கவிதைகள் அனைவருக்கும் வணக்கம் நண்பர்களே மீண்டும் எங்களுடைய வலைத்தளத்தில் தமிழ் கவிதைகளை பதிவிட தொடங்கியுள்ளோம். இங்கு நீங்கள் விரும்பும் பல தலைப்புகளில் தமிழ் கவிதைகளை படிக்கலாம். உங்களுக்கு பிடித்தமான கவிதைகளை நண்பர்கள் மற்றும் உறவுகளுக்கு பகிர்ந்து மகிழுங்கள்.  அம்மா  அழும் போது கைக்குட்டையானாய்... சிரிக்கும் போது சிரிப்பின் ஓசையானாய்... தவழும் போது தரையானாய்... நடைப்பழகும் போது நடைவண்டியானாய்... உறக்கம் வரும் போது தாலாட்டானாய்... பள்ளி செல்லும்போது குருவானாய்... கல்லூரி செல்லும்போது தோழியானாய்... மழை வேளையில் குடையானாய்... கோடையில் நிழலானாய்... இருளில் ஒளியானாய்... இன்பத்தின் ஆதியானாய்... துன்பத்தின் அந்தமானாய்... குழப்பத்திற்கு முடிவானாய்... முயற்சியில் துணையானாய்... இலக்கை அடைய ஏணியானாய்... வெற்றியில் பரிசானாய்... தோல்வியின் போது நான் சாயும் தோளானாய்... தடுமாறும் போது ஊன்றுகோலானாய்... என் அனைத்து அசைவுகளும் நீயானாய்... என்னுள் நானானாய்... என்னைப் பெற்றுத் தாயானாய்... என்ன வரம் கொண்டேனோ... இன்று நீ சேயாய் மாறி விட்டாய்... நான் உன் தாயாகவோ...? Poet- riyashok  அப்...

Easy car drawings_ coloring tips for kids

Car drawings and coloring ideas for kids 

Hi children today we going to learn how to draw car easily step by step and how to coloring your car drawings. Make sure all drawing kits are taken before you going to draw a car. Car drawing is simple one. First you need to draw a car body by using scale and pencil. Then draw circles as wheels. This is the simple procedure of how to draw a car easily.

Now a days car structures are changed for many reasons. The new model car structure is very difficult to draw. This post contains some of the different types of car drawings for practice. You can use this car drawing images in two ways, one is learn how to draw a car step by step easily and another one is take printout of this car drawing images from our website and try how to coloring different types of cars.

graphite car art drawing

Art drawing for kids

How to download car drawing images for coloring:

*For mobile phone Click on the car drawing image and select download image.

*For personal computer Click on the right side button and download the car drawing image

The car drawings include both cartoon car drawings and Ordinary car drawings. You can practice well from our website.

*My website is fully made for children so feel free to use it*

How to draw a cartoon car step by step easily:

Step 1:

First draw a cartoon cars body and mirror as shown in figure. Then draw a car wheel by circle. draw small circle inside the circle. The draw a Headlight for this cartoon car. Draw mouth of a cartoon car by using spline curves.

Step 2:

Draw slight lines on a cartoon cars mirror. its look like an polished car mirror

Step 3:

Apply light colors to the car drawing by using graphite. Now your cartoon car is drawn successfully.

graphite car drawing,car drawing for kids,kids drawing,children drawing,cartoon drawings

How to draw a super race car easily and How to apply coloring for this race car:

*Draw a super car by download this drawing image.
*Super car Body : Yellow or Blue or Red or Orange or White color choose your wish.
*Super car Tyre : Black color 
*Super car driver : Give same color of the car you given to driver.

How to draw a police car simple drawing for kids and how to color police car:

*Draw a police car by download this drawing image or make printout it.
*Police car Body : Front and back body -blue color, Middle body-white color
*Police car Tyre : Black color for tyre.

How to draw a simple car easily by graphite and coloring car steps:

*Printout a car image or Draw a simple car by download this drawing image.
*Simple car Body : pink or purple or navy blue or violet or brown or green color choose your wish.
*Simple car Tyre : Black

How to draw a police cop with eyes ( cartoon car drawing for kids ) and steps for coloring police car drawing:

*Draw a police car.
*Police car Body : Front and back body -blue color, write police name in side door by using white color, Middle body-white color
*Police car Tyre : Black 

How to draw a 2D car drawing for kids: ( 2D means draw in x and y axis only )

*take printout of  a car drawing image.
*2D car Body : pink or Blue or silver or yellow or sand color.
*2D car Tyre : Black 

How to draw a smiling face car for kids and coloring steps for practice:

*Cartoon car body drawn by lines. Draw circles as wheels and tyres. Headlight drawn in the front side of the car.
*Spline curves used for drawing smile.
*Smiling face cartoon car Body : sea blue or orange or purple or red or grey color.
*Smiling face cartoon car Tyre : Black 

coloring steps for kids and How to draw a cartoon super car drawing easily for kids:

*make printout it or Draw a cartoon super car by download drawing 
*Cartoon Super car Body : purple or pink or blue or Orange or grey color choose your wish.
*Cartoon Super car Tyre : Black color 

How to draw Benz car drawing for kids

*Draw a benz car by own.
*Benz car Body : dark blue or silver or Red or Orange or green color.
*Benz car Tyre : Black

How to draw modern race car cartoon drawing for kids:

*Draw below car by own.
*Cartoon race car Body : green or dark Blue or sand or Orange or White color.
*Cartoon race car Tyre : Black color 

 easy car drawing and coloring steps for kids:

*Draw car body shapes tyres eyes door mirrors by hand. If it take time printout it.
*car body color : pink or Blue or green or Orange or sand color
*car tyre color : Black and silver for wheels. 

crazy car drawing with cap and coloring :

*Draw car body structure as shown in below image.
*crazy Cartoon car Body : dark green or purple or Red or grey or White color. you can choose fav one.
*crazy Cartoon car Tyre : Black 
*Cap color: Blue or black.

Benz model car drawing for kids easily

*This shape is difficult to draw. step by step draw it carefully.
*Benz type car Body color : violet or Brown or purple or Orange or pink
*Benz type car Tyre color: Black  
*Benz logo color: Silver

Funny cartoon car with eyes drawing for children and coloring tips:

*Draw cartoon cars body, mirrors, eyes, eyebrow, wheels as shown in fig.
*funny cartoon car Body : navy blue or pink or grey or red or purple color.
*funny cartoon car wheel : dark Black

Benz costly car drawing for children 

*Take printout of Benz car drawing image.
*Benz costly car Body color : grey or Brown or Red or purple or White or silver etc.
*Benz costly car Tyre color: Black 


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